VACUUM BELL 26 x 21 CM for Pectus Excavatum
This special Vacuum Bell model has been designed to treat wide Pectus, being able to save the nipples from the pressure at the same time, avoiding unnecessary problems like nipple irritation and gynecomastia
Setting the highest quality standards on the market:
🚫 NO pain during the sessions
⦿ Airtight Suction
⦿ Stronger hand pump
⦿ Laser Tested
🚫 NO Pressure loss during sessions
⦿ Pure Copper connector and Unbreakable Transparent base
🚫 NO Plastic elements easy to break
⦿ Exclusive 10 Years of Warranty
⦿ Free Shipping Worldwide
If you don't know what's the best model for you, we can help you HERE
The right model for your Pectus area can maximize the effectiveness of the Vacuum Bell Therapy
Each unit is Expressly manufactured and disinfected with isopropyl as a preventive measure against COVID-19 to give you full safety
The effectiveness of the Vacuum Bell Therapy is Scientifically proven:
PECTUS Healing ™ is a professional manufacturer of medical devices specializing in developing solutions to treat Pectus conditions.
Our mission is to provide the best non-surgical solution for all the people who are suffering from Pectus Excavatum.